Kategori Pagar Otomatis
Cari Pagar Otomatis
Hubungi Kami

Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

Informasi Tentang Pos Parkir & Produk Kami
1620 Lane Barrier
Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis
1620 Lane Barrier


Surface Mount Lane Barrier Accessory*

The DKS Lane Barrier Accessory System is an easy add-on to the popular 1601 Barrier Gate Operator.  The Lane Barrier is ideal in applications where a higher degree of vehicle traffic control is desired, but without the expense of bollards, wedges or crash beams – making it ideal for apartment communities, gated condominiums, car rental agencies, parking lots and toll booths.

*This Lane Barrier System is not crash rated. It is intended to provide a formidable barrier to help prevent passenger vehciles and light-duty trucks from driving through a controlled traffic lane.

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