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Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

Products - Akses Kontrol
SOLAR AND  SMARTPHONE COMPATIBLE These apps work with the DKS Model 1515 keypad only. This smartphone-enabled Keypad is ideal for controlling doors or gates. The simple to install and use DKS Manager and User Apps make this Keypad a sure bet ...
Arm Types: Wood • Aluminum 20, 24 & 27 FT Arm Assembly
YOU DON’ T HAVE TO STOP JUST BECAUSE THEY DON’ T The perfect solution to reduce maintenance costs, DoorKing’ s Breakaway Hardware Kit for Model 1601 Barrier Gate Operators prevents costly arm replacements by allowing the arm to swing ...
Arm Types: Wood • Plastic • Aluminum Arm Length 12 to 14 Ft
HEATER KITS FOR TELEPHONE AND GATE SYSTEMS Easy to use in-box heaters / thermostats, and fans. All DKS Heater Kits include built-in thermostats that automatically turns the heater on and off, as needed. Shown here, 1601-054 gate operator heater ...
LOCK BOXES AND ACCESSORIES Postal and Fire Department Lock Boxes provide a convenient method to allow postal workers and fire department personnel access to a property through an automated gate system.
VEHICLE OR PEDESTRIAN DKS offers a full range of mounting posts, whether it’ s for vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic requirements. Architectural and designer style Posts are typically used with the larger Telephone Entry Systems and are ...
MicroPLUS & MicroCLIK Accessories   Antennas, kits, and enclosures.
ACCESSORY TRANSFORMERS 12, 16, 24 Volt AC & DC Transformers. The 1200 Transformer Box is a great way to provide a power source for accessory transformers used with Access Control Systems. Many DKS products INCLUDE a transformer