Kategori Pagar Otomatis
Cari Pagar Otomatis
Hubungi Kami

Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

Informasi Tentang Pos Parkir & Produk Kami
Nice 1500/1550/1551
Pagar Otomatis
Nice 1500/1550/1551

Nice 1500/1550/1551 swing gate actuators are versatile and AC/solar, perfect for residential, farm and ranch applications.

Easy to install, low maintenance

More than100,000 installations

Proven reliability and durability

Super low power for solar applications *(AC charger option)

Single or dual gate applications

Corrosion resistant acme screw drive mechanism

NEMA 3R class environmentally sealed enclosure

All weather performance without heater

Max gate length 16ft/ max gate weight 600lb

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