Kategori Pagar Otomatis
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Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

Search Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis di Kalimantan
Palang Pagar Otomatis
StrongArmPark DC  is HySecurity’ s innovative electromechanical parking and revenue control barrier arm operator. It provides continuous duty with UPS battery backup and meets ...
Operator Pagar Otomatis
NO POWER, NO PROBLEM The Model 1000 Power Inverter provides backup power for a single-gated Access Control System when primary AC power fails. Maintain a fully operational Access ...
Akses Kontrol
VEHICLE OR PEDESTRIAN DKS offers a full range of mounting posts, whether it’ s for vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic requirements. Architectural and designer style Posts ...
Akses Kontrol
ACCESSORY TRANSFORMERS 12, 16, 24 Volt AC & DC Transformers. The 1200 Transformer Box is a great way to provide a power source for accessory transformers used with Access Control ...
Telephone Accessories
KEYPADS CONNECTED TO ACCESS CONTROLLERS ONLY Otherwise known as “ 26-bit Wiegand output” devices, the DKS 1500 Series family of Keypads provides access control for virtually ...
Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis
INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH PARKING STRUCTURE LOW PROFILE The DKS 1175 Overhead Gate Operator is designed for high traffic underground parking applications serving gated communities, apartment ...
Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis
1620 LANE BARRIER ADD-ON Surface Mount Lane Barrier Accessory* The DKS Lane Barrier Accessory System is an easy add-on to the popular 1601 Barrier Gate Operator.   The Lane ...
Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis
WARNING SIGNS AND SIGNAL LIGHTS Warning Signs and/or Traffic Signals must always be used in any traffic control application utilizing Traffic Control Spikes.
Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis
WARNING SIGNS AND SIGNAL LIGHTS Warning Signs and/or Traffic Signals must always be used in any traffic control application utilizing Traffic Control Spikes.
Traffic Control dengan Pagar Otomatis
TRAFFIC CONTROL SPIKE SYSTEMS Surface and flush mount below ground options available. Surface spikes install easily without trenching and doubles as a speed bump. Spring loaded ...
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